Roadside Stand

We are proud to offer our convenient roadside stand again for 2024!

We have made a few changes this Spring

First, temporarily, eggs will be restocked at 8 am on Saturdays starting Saturday, March 30th (the day before Easter). We're required by law to keep our eggs at 41º or less, but I'm worried the eggs and/or our egg fridge will freeze with the cold weather the next few weeks. To solve this problem, our eggs will be in a cooler with an ice pack, and we will close the stand at 7 pm or when sold out. If you would like to pick up your eggs on another day/time, please place an order on our website and schedule your pickup time.

Second, we have a piece of paper that we're asking you to put your name, what you're purchasing, and how you're paying. This will help me put in less hours doing bookwork and keep our POS system updated.

Lastly, we've added a super cool egg light!
When the light is on (it fades and changes color), we have eggs. That way you don't need to get out of your car to see if we have eggs available. If you take the last of the eggs, flip the light switch to turn the egg light off. We will also post on Facebook stories & Instagram stories when we restock, so that you can plan on when to make a trip out here.

As spring advances and we start increasing in products, we will increase our roadside stand hours.